Storage Which storage technology is right for you?
Conventional vs Solid State
Conventional or Hard Disk Drives (HDD) use spinning platters, read/write heads and are mechanical in nature. Solid State Drives (SSD) use non-volatile memory chips that retain data and have no moving parts. HDDs and SSDs differ in the following characteristics:
- Performance / Speed
- Greater Capacity
- Shock Resistance
- Energy Usage / Heat Production
- Lifespan / Reliability
- Price
These Drives have their advantages and disadvantages. We can help you choose the right one for a specific application.
Storage Devices Which storage device is right for you?
Modern Storage Devices
Storage devices are divided into the following categories:
- Direct Attached Storage
- Network Attached Storage
- Storage Media
These devices are connected via different interfaces:
- Thunderbolt 3
- Ethernet (Copper or Fiber)
- Card Slot