I was born on Christmas Day, the 25th of December 2020 in Portland, Oregon. I love the northwest; the rain, the snow, the fresh air, the greenery, the view of Mount Hood in the distance, and especially the people. I grew up with Huskies so I also howl when I get excited. I was adopted when I was 9 months old and I have had plenty of time to train my parents. Now they know all of my needs, of which the biggest two are love and attention. I have plenty of four-legged friends and I try to play with them every chance I get. I enjoy going on walks and I’m starting to like laying in the water as I watch others splash about. I do spend part of each day going into the office to help my parents out, after all, we are a family run business.
My greatest ambition is to use my irresistible beauty in promoting our company. I love being around people and when they visit the office I take it upon myself to make them feel welcome and loved.